We Provide Peace of Mind for You and Your Family

Gain the empowerment and Peace of Mind that you deserve.

A group of seniors taking a selfie

You take the first step, we'll handle everything else!

We know how hectic life can be so we can handle as much as possible via phone and video calls so you don't have to waste time driving to an office unnecessarily. Getting started begins here with a Peace of Mind Planning Session or a live, or pre-recorded, webinar. We handle everything after that.

Watch a pre-recorded webinar

If you are ready to learn more right now – you can. Watch our pre-recorded webinar.

Attend a live webinar

If you want to attend our “Estate Planning For Busy Parents” webinar live, registar here.

Book Your Peace of Mind Planning Session Today

If you know you are ready to get your estate plan in place, book a one-on-one session with Bill.

Effortless Estate Planning

For Those you Love

Protect Your Assets: To see your gifts go to those you love.

Avoid Probate:  A long, expensive, and public, process that can see our families in court and in conflict.

Provide for Loved Ones: Make sure your assets are distributed quickly and privately to your those you love.

Reduce Taxes: Minimize potential taxes so your loved ones receive the most of what you leave for them.

Provide for Incapacity: With clear instructions if, and when, you are unable to communicate your wishes.

Provide for your children: So they are well cared for, as you would want, in the event of the unthinkable.

Peace of Mind: For you now, and for those you love when you are gone.

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Protecting Your Family

Has Never Been Easier

  • We listen to you

    During our Peace of Mind Planning Strategy Session, we’ll learn about your goals and needs for your future. Then, we’ll talk about what might work for you.

  • The magic happens!

    We build a plan together during our Design Meeting that will start protecting you and your family immediately.

  • Kick back and relax

    Get back to enjoying your life while we put your plan into action and keep a close eye on it.

Multi racial family